Black book: Our enemies will pay the price
The international version of the black book ‘Our enemies will pay the price’ was presented spring 2022 in Belgium, France, and Canada.
The black book gives widely documented facts about the current judicial and political situation in Rwanda and of Rwanda’s activities abroad.
It also gives an overview of how countries deal with extraditions and expulsions to Rwanda.
The book shows page after page that people should not be sent back to Rwanda because Rwanda disregards the rule of law, and Rwanda has bad prison conditions, restrictions on civil liberties and freedom of speech, restriction on the registration and operation of opposition parties, restrictions on activities of journalists and non-governmental organizations.
You can read or download the black book for free ( Englisch version) here.
French version Rwanda- Nederland -> LIVRE NOIR RWANDA-NEDERLAND
Blalck Book Rwanda- International -> BLACK BOOK RWANDA-INTERNATIONAL