Our mission
All for Rwanda is a movement of Rwandans who aim to promote an inclusive Rwanda with a sustainable future, through diplomacy, peaceful actions, information, and the advocacy of human rights. Led by a new generation of young Rwandans, our mission is to break the culture of systematic exclusion of Rwandans by defending the right of freedom of expression and political freedom, and to find lasting solutions to the challenges that have plagued Rwandan society for decades.
Our mission also includes facilitating the safe and dignified return of all Rwandan refugees, with a particular focus on those currently residing in the Democratic Republic of Congo and facing challenging circumstances. Our goal is to provide protection and assistance to all refugees and mobilize the collective resources of Rwandan citizens to support their successful repatriation to Rwanda.
All for Rwanda will continue to voice the concerns and interests of individuals, refugees, and organizations that support our mission. Our ultimate goal is to create a Rwanda that no longer produces refugees, where every Rwandan is welcomed, treated equally, and with dignity.
All For Rwanda is the result of a call to action for Rwandan refugees in distress in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo. It was launched on March 1st, 2023 by 15 Rwandan activists from civil society. This call was supported by over 6,000 individuals and about ten organizations working on refugee issues, the majority of which are located in Africa.
An organization called All For Rwanda had already existed since 2021, working on human rights issues and primarily advocating for the rights of Rwandan citizens in the Netherlands. All For Rwanda was one of the organizations that supported the Call to Action and has since decided to merge with the new movement, which has taken on the name of the old association. The merged organization now focuses on defending the rights of all Rwandan refugees around the world, building on the old organization’s expertise while expanding its areas of advocacy.
Our mission
All for Rwanda is a collective of young people that wants to contribute to Rwanda’s sustainable future, through diplomacy, peaceful actions, information, and the advocacy of human rights. ARF defends the right of freedom of expression and political freedom.
Our vision
Young people are the future of Rwanda. All For Rwanda wants to engage them in activities and discussion so they and their children can live in a peaceful, social, harmonious, and prosperous Rwanda.
What we stand for
We stand for transparency, peace, harmony, open discussion, non-discrimination, development, human decency, sharing information, and learning from each other towards a sustainable future at All for Rwanda.
We promote an inclusive society, treat every Rwandan with dignity, defend freedom of expression and political freedom, seeking lasting solutions to societal challenges.
We facilitate safe & dignified return of Rwandan refugees, focusing on those in DR Congo. Our goal is to provide protection, assistance, and mobilize resources for successful repatriation.
We encourage constructive criticism and free expression on Rwandan issues. Rwanda’s youth play a vital role in introducing this aspect to the public sphere, as we learn from each other towards positive change.